Some Mobile Augmented Reality Things

Some Mobile Augmented Reality Things


April 2015

I designed screens, icons and 3D buildings used in the game.

Demo Video

S.M.A.R.T., short for "Some Mobile Augmented Reality Things", is a tower defense game. During the game, the player need to properly place the forts, and try to defend the tower for the longest possible time.

I was in charge of the art design. I designed the play cards and the welcome screen. I also design and modeled the base tower.

The base tower I modeled. I did not refer to any existing games or buildings.

The welcome screen.

The five icons I designed to help the players identify different in-game objects.


Our team won "the Best Game of the Year" within the Game Creation Society Club, among 6 other teams participating.

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Flappy 3D

A 3D Flappy Bird game without a 3D engine. Very first project after I learned Python, as well as my inspiration at becoming a UI designer.